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THz photometers for solar flare observations from space
Authors:Pierre Kaufmann  Rogério Marcon  André Abrantes  Emilio C. Bortolucci  Luis Olavo T. Fernandes  Grigory I. Kropotov  Amauri S. Kudaka  Nelson Machado  Adolfo Marun  Valery Nikolaev  Alexandre Silva  Claudemir S. da Silva  Alexander Timofeevsky
Affiliation:1. Escola de Engenharia, CRAAM, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, S?o Paulo, SP, Brazil
2. Centro de Componentes Semicondutores, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil
3. Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil
4. Observaório Solar “Bernard Lyot”, Campinas, SP, Brazil
5. Propertech Ltda., Jacareí, SP, Brazil
9. Tydex, LLC, Saint Petersburg, Russia
6. Complejo Astron?mico El Leoncito, CONICET, San Juan, Argentina
7. Samsung Research Institute, Campinas, SP, Brazil
8. Neuron Ltda., S?o José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Abstract:The search for the still unrevealed spectral shape of the mysterious THz solar flare emissions is one of the current most challenging research issues. The concept, fabrication and performance of a double THz photometer system, named SOLAR-T, is presented. Its innovative optical setup allows observations of the full solar disk and the detection of small burst transients at the same time. The detecting system was constructed to observe solar flare THz emissions on board of stratospheric balloons. The system has been integrated to data acquisition and telemetry modules for this application. SOLAR-T uses two Golay cell detectors preceded by low-pass filters made of rough surface primary mirrors and membranes, 3 and 7 THz band-pass filters, and choppers. Its photometers can detect small solar bursts (tens of solar flux units) with sub second time resolution. Tests have been conducted to confirm the entire system performance, on ambient and low pressure and temperature conditions. An artificial Sun setup was developed to simulate performance on actual observations. The experiment is planned to be on board of two long-duration stratospheric balloon flights over Antarctica and Russia in 2014–2016.
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