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H_∞ drift control of time-delayed seismic structures
作者姓名:Chang-Ching Chang
作者单位:Department of Civil Engineering, Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung 40227, Chinese Taipei
基金项目:Ministry of Education and the Science Council (NSC) of Taiwan Under the ATU plan and Grants No. NSC 95-2625-Z-005-009
摘    要:
In this paper,an optimal H∞ control algorithm was applied to the design of an active tendon system installed at the first story of a multi-story building to reduce its interstory drift due to earthquake excitations.To achieve optimal control performance and to guarantee the stability of the control system,an optimum strategy to select control parameters γ and α was developed.Analytical expressions of the upper and the lower bounds of γ and α were obtained for a single degree-of-freedom system with state fee...

关 键 词:H∞控制  时间延迟  抗震结构  状态反馈控制系统  漂移  控制算法  控制性能  优化设计
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