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Damage due to the Mw 7.7 Kutch, India earthquake of 2001
Authors:B.K. Rastogi  

National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad-500007, India

Abstract:This paper presents a study of the damage due to the Mw 7.6–7.7 intraplate Kutch earthquake of 26 January 2001. It was a powerful earthquake with a high stress drop of about 20 MPa. Aftershocks (up to M 4) have continued for 2.5 years. The distribution of early aftershocks indicates a rupture plane of 20–25 km radius at depths of 10–45 km along an E–W-trending and south-dipping hidden fault situated approximately 25 km north of the Kutch Mainland Fault. The moment tensor solution determined from regional broadband data indicates reverse motion along a south-dipping (by 47°) fault. The earthquake is the largest event in India in the last 50 years and the most destructive in the recorded history in terms of socioeconomic losses with 13,819 deaths (including 14 in Pakistan), collapse/severe damage of over a million houses and US$10 billion economic loss. Surface faulting was not observed. However, intense land deformations have been observed in a 40×20-km meizoseismal area. These include lateral spreading, ground uplifts (about a meter), ground slumping and deep cracks. Liquefaction with ejection of sand and copious water was widespread in the Banni grassland, Rann areas (salt plains), along rivers and also in the coastal areas up to 200 km distance from the epicenter in areas of intensity VII to X+. Stray incidences of liquefaction have occurred up to distances of at least 300 km. For the first time in India, multistory buildings have been destroyed/damaged by an earthquake. The maximum acceleration is inferred to be 700 cm/s2 and intensities are 1–3 units higher in soil-covered areas than expected from the decay rate of acceleration for hard rock.
Keywords:Kutch earthquake   Indian earthquakes   Intraplate earthquakes   Ground deformation
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