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Numerical Investigation on the Generation and Propagation of Irregular Waves in A Two-Dimensional Wave Tank
引用本文:Ruey-syanSHIH Chung-renCHOU JohnZ.YIM. Numerical Investigation on the Generation and Propagation of Irregular Waves in A Two-Dimensional Wave Tank[J]. 中国海洋工程, 2004, 18(4): 551-566
作者姓名:Ruey-syanSHIH Chung-renCHOU JohnZ.YIM
作者单位:[1]DepanmentofCivilEngineering,TungNanInstituteofTechnology,22202VillageShenKeng,Taipei,China [2]DepartmentofHarbourandRiverEngineering,TaiwanOceanUniversity,20224Keelung,China
摘    要:

关 键 词:数字化造波水池 不规则波动 海滩减震 海岸结构

Numerical Investigation on the Generation and Propagation of Irregular Waves in A Two-Dimensional Wave Tank
Ruey-syan SHIH a,,Chung-ren CHOUb and John Z. YIMb a. Numerical Investigation on the Generation and Propagation of Irregular Waves in A Two-Dimensional Wave Tank[J]. China Ocean Engineering, 2004, 18(4): 551-566
Authors:Ruey-syan SHIH a    Chung-ren CHOUb  John Z. YIMb a
Affiliation:Ruey-syan SHIH a,1,Chung-ren CHOUb and John Z. YIMb a Department of Civil Engineering,Tung Nan Institute of Technology,22202 Village Shen Keng,Taipei,China b Department of Harbour and River Engineering,Taiwan Ocean University,20224 Keelung,China
Keywords:numerical wave tank  irregular waves  absorbing beach
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