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The response of the Fe Kα line to changes in the X-ray illumination of accretion discs
Authors:D. R. Ballantyne  R. R. Ross
Affiliation:Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA and; Physics Department, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA 01610, USA
X-ray reflection spectra from photoionized accretion discs in active galaxies are presented for a wide range of illumination conditions. The energy, equivalent width (EW) and flux of the Fe K α line are shown to depend strongly on the ratio of illuminating flux to disc flux,   F x/ F disc  , the photon index of the irradiating power law, Γ, and the incidence angle of the radiation, i . When   F x/ F disc≤2  a neutral Fe K α line is prominent for all but the largest values of Γ. At higher illuminating fluxes an He-like Fe K α line at 6.7 keV dominates the line complex. With a high-energy cut-off of 100 keV, the thermal ionization instability seems to suppress the ionized Fe K α line when  Γ≤1.6  . The Fe K α line flux correlates with   F x/ F disc  , but the dependence weakens as iron becomes fully ionized. The EW is roughly constant when   F x/ F disc  is low and a neutral line dominates, but then declines as the line progresses through higher ionization stages. There is a strong positive correlation between the Fe K α EW and Γ when the line energy is at 6.7 keV, and a slight negative one when it is at 6.4 keV. This is a potential observational diagnostic of the ionization state of the disc. Observations of the broad Fe K α line, which take into account any narrow component, would be able to test these predictions. Ionized Fe K α lines at 6.7 keV are predicted to be common in a simple magnetic flare geometry. A model that includes multiple ionization gradients on the disc is postulated to reconcile the results with observations.
Keywords:accretion, accretion discs    line: profiles    galaxies: active    X-rays: general
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