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Optical properties of Small Magellanic Cloud X-ray binaries
Authors:M. J. Coe  W. R. T. Edge  J. L. Galache   V. A. McBride
Affiliation:School of Physics and Astronomy, Southampton University, Southampton SO17 1BJ
Abstract:This work represent the first major study of the optical and infrared characteristics of the mass donor companions to the X-ray pulsars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). In this work several new counterparts have been identified, and possible ones confirmed, as companions to X-ray pulsars in the SMC giving a total of 34 such objects now identified. In addition this work presents three new binary periods and confirms two X-ray periods using optical data for objects in this group. This homogeneous sample has been studied as a group to determine important general characteristics that may offer an insight into the evolution of such systems. In particular, the spectral class distribution shows a much greater agreement with those of isolated Be stars, and appears to be in some disagreement with the galactic population of Be stars in Be/X-ray binaries. Studies of the long-term optical modulation of the Be star companions reveal an extremely variable group of objects, a fact which will almost certainly make a major contribution to the pronounced X-ray variability. The spatial distribution of these systems within the SMC is investigated and strongly suggests a link between massive star formation and the H  i density distribution. Finally, studies of the circumstellar disc characteristics reveal a strong link with optical variability offering important clues into the long-term stability of such discs.
Keywords:stars: emission-line, Be    Magellanic Clouds    X-rays: binaries
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