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Spherical harmonic synthesis and least squares computations in satellite gravity gradiometry
Authors:Srinivas V. Bettadpur  Bob E. Schutz  John B. Lundberg
Affiliation:(1) Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin, 78712-4072 Austin, Texas, USA
Abstract:The computational requirements in the simulations of geopotential estimation from satellite gravity gradiometry are discussed. Fast algorithms for spherical harmonic synthesis and least squares accumulation on a vectorizing supercomputers are presented. Using these methods, in a test case estimation of 2595 coefficients of a degree and order 50 gravity field, sustained program execution speeds of 275 Mflops (87 % peak machine speed) on a single processor of a CRAY Y-MP were achieved, with spherical harmonics computation accounting for less than 1 % of total cost. From the results, it appears that brute-force estimation of a degree and order 180 field would require 537 Million Words of memory and 85 hours of CPU time, assuming mission duration of 1 month, and execution speed of 1 Gflops. Both memory size and execution speed requirements are within the capabilities of modern multi-processor supercomputers.
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