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引用本文:冯彦, 潘剑君, 安振昌, 孙涵, 毛飞. 中国地区地磁场水平梯度的计算与分析[J]. 地球物理学报, 2010, 53(12): 2899-2906, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2010.12.013
作者姓名:冯彦  潘剑君  安振昌  孙涵  毛飞
摘    要:
根据2000年中国地区156个地磁台站和复测点的实测数据以及国境外的6个地磁台站实测数据,加上国境外36个IGRF点,分别利用Taylor多项式模型和曲面Spline模型,建立了中国地区地磁场总强度(F)、磁偏角(D)和磁倾角(I)的地磁模型,通过对两种模型中各分量的φ(纬度)和λ(经度)进行微分,计算得到F、D、I的水平梯度值,并绘制相应分量沿南北方向和东西方向的水平梯度图,将其与2000年IGRF10的水平梯度图作比较,最后对水平梯度的空间分布以及三种梯度图进行了分析比较.结果表明:F和I的水平梯度主要随纬度变化,F随纬度增加,变幅约为7.0~6.0 nT/min,在中部地区(25°~35°N,90°~120°E)强度达到最大;I随纬度的增加,变幅约为2'/min~1'/min;D的水平梯度随纬度和经度而变化,随着经度和纬度的增加,变幅分别约为0.4'/min~-0.3'/min和-0.1'/min~-0.4'/min.

关 键 词:Taylor多项式  曲面Spline  地磁场模型  水平梯度

Calculation and analysis of geomagnetic field horizontal gradients in China
FENG Yan, PAN Jian-Jun, AN Zhen-Chang, SUN Han, MAO Fei. Calculation and analysis of geomagnetic field horizontal gradients in China[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 2010, 53(12): 2899-2906, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0001-5733.2010.12.013
Authors:FENG Yan  PAN Jian-Jun  AN Zhen-Chang  SUN Han  MAO Fei
Affiliation:1. The College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210000, China; 2. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China; 3. Remote Sensing Application and Experiment Station of National Satellite Meteorological Center/Guangxi Meteorological Disaster Mitigation Institute, Nanning 530022, China; 4. Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Based on survey data of 156 observatories and repeat stations of China,6 observatories and 36 IGRF points outside the China in 2000,the geomagnetic field models of total intensity(F), declination(D) and inclination(I) are established by Taylor polynomial model and Surface Spline model, meanwhile, the differential for φ(latitude) and λ(longitude) of models is carried out to calculate the geomagnetic horizontal gradients, respectively. Then the gradients distribution charts of corresponding components in south-north and east-west direction are drawn, from which a comparison between horizontal gradient charts and IGRF10 for 2000 is made, consistency and difference among these three kinds of horizontal gradient are implemented, too. Finally, the spacial distribution of horizontal gradient is analyzed numerically. Results showed that horizontal gradients of F and I varied mainly with latitude, which of F ranged from 7.0 nT/min to 6.0 nT/min while latitude increased, and got the biggest values in the central region (25°~35°N,90°~120°E) of China,I's gradients varied range from 2'/min to 1'/min while latitude increased, D's gradients varied with both latitude and longitude, which ranged from 0.4'/min to -0.3'/min in north-south direction while longitude increased and -0.1'/min to -0.4'/min in east-west direction while latitude increased respectively.
Keywords:Taylor polynomial  Surface Spline  Geomagnetic field model  Horizontal gradient
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