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Al decay: Heat production and a revised age for Iapetus
Authors:Julie Castillo-Rogez  Torrence V. Johnson  Neal J. Turner  Jonathan Lunine
Affiliation:a Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
b Department of Earth Sciences and Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
c Lunar and Planetary Lab, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
Abstract:We revisit the appropriate energies to be used for computing heat production from 26Al decay. Due to the complexity of the decay scheme of this radioisotope, previous geophysical studies have used values ranging from 1.2 to 4 MeV per decay. The upper bound corresponds to the difference in mass energy between the 26Al and 26Mg ground states. This includes energy carried away by neutrinos, which does not contribute to heating planetary material. The lower bound does not account for the heating caused by the absorption of the γ rays from the excited 26Mg, or for the annihilation energy deposited in the material if the decay occurs inside even small planetesimals. Based on the calculations described by Schramm et al. [Schramm, D., Tera, F., Wasserburg, G.J., 1970. The isotopic abundance of 26Mg and limits on 26Al in the early Solar System. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 10, 44-59] updated with the most recent nuclear constants, we recommend using a heat production value of 3.12 MeV per decay, which is the total energy of disintegration minus the energy carried off by the neutrinos. This heat production value is higher than the value used in the modeling of Iapetus by Castillo-Rogez et al. [Castillo-Rogez, J., Matson, D.L., Sotin, C., Johnson, T.V., Lunine, J.I., Thomas, P.C., 2007. Iapetus’ geophysics: Rotation rate, shape, and equatorial ridge. Icarus 190, 179-202] by about a factor 2.5. The resulting estimate of the time of formation of Iapetus is shifted by about 1 Myr, to between ∼3.4 and 5.4 Myr after the production of the calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAIs).
Keywords:Geophysics   Cosmochemistry
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