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The high-pressure stability of Mg-sursassite in a model hydrous peridotite: a possible mechanism for the deep subduction of significant volumes of H2O
Authors:Geoffrey D. Bromiley  Alison R. Pawley
Affiliation:1.Department of Earth Sciences, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK,United Kingdom
The stability of the high-pressure phase Mg-sursassite, previously MgMgAl-pumpellyite, in ultramafic compositions has been determined in experiments in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (MASH). The breakdown of Mg-sursassite + forsterite + enstatite to pyrope + vapour with increasing temperature was bracketed at 6.0 and 7.0 GPa. Below 6.0 GPa, Mg-sursassite + forsterite + vapour reacts to chlorite + enstatite. This reaction provides a mechanism for transfer of water from chlorite- to Mg-sursassite-bearing assemblages. At pressures of 7.0 GPa and above, the assemblage Mg-sursassite + phase A + enstatite was found. Phase relations involving Mg-sursassite and phase A are considered. For bulk compositions with a low water content, the vapour-absent reaction Mg-sursassite + forsterite = pyrope + phase A + enstatite determines the upper-pressure stability of Mg-sursassite, and provides a mechanism for the complete transfer of water from Mg-sursassite to phase A-bearing assemblages. Mg-sursassite plays an important role in peridotite compositions in the subducting slab because, at temperatures below 700 °C, it can transfer water from hydrous phases such as antigorite and chlorite to high-pressure stable phases such as phase A.
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