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K-Ar ages and Pb,Sr isotopic characteristics of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in Shandong Province,China
Authors:Chen Daogong  Peng Zicheng  Marvin A. Lanphere  Robert E. Zartman
Affiliation:(1) Department of Earth and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, China;(2) U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, 94025 California, USA;(3) U. S. Geological Survey, 80225 Denver, Colorado, USA
Abstract:28 samples of Cenozoic volcanic rocks collected from Shandong Province have been dated by K-Ar method. They are mainly Neogene with an age range of 4–19 m. y. The basalts from Linqu and Yishui in west Shandong Province are Miocene and those from Penglai and Qixia in east Shandong Province are Miocene and Pliocene in age. The basalts from Wudi in north Shandong Province are Middle-Early Pleistocene in age. In each area the duration of volcanic eruption was estimated at about 2–3 m. y. Pb and Sr isotopic compositions and U, Th, Pb, Rb, Sr, and major elements in most of the samples were determined. The isotopic compositions are:206Pb/204Pb—16.92-18.48,207Pb/204Pb—15.30-15.59,208Pb/204Pb—37.83-38.54, and (87Sr/86Sr)i—0.70327-0.70632. There are some positive or negative linear correlations between206Pb/204Pb and207Pb/204Pb, Pb isotopes and Pb content, Pb isotopes and Sr isotopes, and Sr isotopes and other elements. The basaltic rocks from east and west Shandong Province have somewhat differences in isotopic composition and element content. The basalts probably are products of multi-stage evolution of the mantle. They have preserved the primary features of the source, although they were influenced, to some extent, by the contamination of crustal materials.
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