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The chromospheric magnetograph
Authors:Glenn J. Veeder  Harold Zirin
Affiliation:(1) Hale Observatories, Carnegie Institution of Washington, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif., U.S.A.
Abstract:By comparison of photoelectric magnetograms with high resolution Hα pictures it is possible to formulate a set of rules by which the magnetic field may be derived directly from the filtergrams. This is possible because of the regularities of magnetic field configurations on the sun and because chromospheric morphology is determined by the magnetic field. Off-band pictures (preferably 0.5 Å red) show a well-defined enhanced chromospheric network, the boundaries of which coincide with the 5 G contour of longitudinal field on the Mt. Wilson magnetograms. The actual fields are presumably more concentrated along the dark structure of the network. Higher fields are marked by filled-in cells. Regions of predominantly transverse fields may be inferred from the absence of normal network structure and the presence of chromospheric fibrils. The quiet chromosphere is recognized by the presence of oscillatory motion and the absence of fibrils or strong network structure. Thus, the chromosphere may be divided into three types of regions: enhanced network, horizontal field, and quiet network. The polarity of the magnetic field may be recognized by plage-antiplage asymmetry; that is, the fact that only following magnetic fields show bright plage in the center of Hα.
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