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近40 a来青藏高原地区总辐射变化特征分析
引用本文:李韧,赵林,丁永建,吴通华,肖瑶,辛羽飞,孙琳婵,胡国杰,邹德富,焦永亮,秦艳慧. 近40 a来青藏高原地区总辐射变化特征分析[J]. 冰川冻土, 2012, 34(6): 1319-1327
作者姓名:李韧  赵林  丁永建  吴通华  肖瑶  辛羽飞  孙琳婵  胡国杰  邹德富  焦永亮  秦艳慧
作者单位:1. 中国科学院 寒区旱区环境与工程研究所 冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室青藏高原冰冻圈观测研究站,甘肃 兰州 730000;2. 中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081
摘    要:
利用青藏高原及周边22个日射站近40 a的总辐射及日照百分率资料确定了Angstrom-Prescott模型(APM)系数, 结合高原及毗邻地区116个地面站的资料估算了高原地区近40 a的总辐射. 结果表明: 高原主体光照充沛, 年均日照时数可达3000 h以上, 有较好的利用前景; 总辐射40 a平均年总量在高原西部为高值区, 此高值带向东北和东南延伸, 其中北支可抵达内蒙古高原.年代际变化在高原及周边地区不一致, 但从整体上看, 总辐射距平值60、 70年代为正值, 表明这一时期高原总辐射增大; 80、 90年代总辐射距平为负, 这一时期总辐射减小. 火山活动是该时段总辐射减小的一个重要原因; 总辐射随着纬度的增大而减小, 随着海拔、 日照百分率的增大而增大. 纬度、 海拔、 日照3个因子中, 日照是总辐射的一个主要影响因子, 纬度对总辐射影响较大, 海拔对总辐射影响较小; 高原地区总辐射变差系数大值区在高原西部. 就平均状况而言, 高原地区总辐射变差系数仅为0.031, 表明高原地区总辐射波动相对较小, 总辐射较稳定.

关 键 词:青藏高原  总辐射  天文辐射  日照百分率  变差系数  

Variation Characteristics of Global Radiation over the Tibetan Plateau during the Past 40 Years
LI Ren,ZHAO Lin,DING Yong-jian,WU Tong-hua,XIAO Yao,XIN Yu-fei,SUN Lin-chan,HU Guo-jie,ZOU De-fu,JIAO Yong-liang,QING Yan-hui. Variation Characteristics of Global Radiation over the Tibetan Plateau during the Past 40 Years[J]. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2012, 34(6): 1319-1327
Authors:LI Ren  ZHAO Lin  DING Yong-jian  WU Tong-hua  XIAO Yao  XIN Yu-fei  SUN Lin-chan  HU Guo-jie  ZOU De-fu  JIAO Yong-liang  QING Yan-hui
Affiliation:1. Cryosphere Research Station on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences,Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou Gansu 730000, China;2. Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Global radiation is the income item of radiant energy in the land surface energy exchange, which is of decisive significance to surface radiation budget, land-atmosphere energy exchange and the formation of weather and climate. In this study, global radiations and relative sunshine duration from 22 radiometric stations across the Tibetan Plateau during the past 40 years were used to determine the coefficients of Angstrom-Prescott model. Combined with the data of other 116 meteorological stations across the plateau, global radiations were estimated for the recent 40 years. It is found that there is abundant sunshine over the main plateau with the average sunshine duration up to 3000 hours or more, and with a better utilization prospect. During the past 40 years, the high global radiation zone has appeared in the west of the plateau, and has extended to the northeast and southeast, with a northern branch reaching the Inner Mongolia Plateau. Although decadal change of global radiation over the plateau has been inconsistent with surrounding areas, on the whole, the anomaly values of global radiation during the 1960s and 1970s were positive, indicating that the global radiation increased over the plateau during these period. While during the 1980s and 1990s, the anomaly values were negative, showing a global radiation decreasing period. Volcanic activity was the major cause for these phenomena. Global radiation over the plateau increased with relative sunshine duration and altitude but decreased with latitude. Among the three factors, sunshine duration was a major factor influencing the global radiation, followed by latitude. The greater variation coefficient of the global radiation appeared in the western plateau. On average, the variation coefficient was only 0.031, indicating that the global radiation in the plateau was relatively stable.
Keywords:Tibetan Plateau  global radiation  extraterrestrial solar radiation  relative sunshine duration  variation coefficient
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