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引用本文:陈诚,金志丰. 经济发达地区乡村聚落用地模式演变——以无锡市惠山区为例[J]. 地理研究, 2015, 34(11): 2155-2164. DOI: 10.11821/dlyj201511014
作者姓名:陈诚  金志丰
作者单位:1. 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,南京 2100082. 中国科学院流域地理学重点实验室,南京 2100083. 江苏省土地勘测规划研究院,南京 210024
摘    要:基于空间形态与功能结构视角,运用空间分析和参与式评估方法,利用聚落用地现状与多时相遥感影像数据,分析经济发达地区乡村聚落用地格局与功能演变特征,总结不同类型村域聚落用地演变模式,从制度变迁视角讨论演变机制与调控路径。结果表明:1980年代以来聚落用地增长近1倍,扩张强度先增后减,呈倒“U”型变化,但集聚分布的格局并未改变;工业、旅游住宿、商贸服务等非居住用地快速增长,以居住为主的用地模式逐步转向居住—工业—旅游—商服多元复合型的用地模式。工业和旅游村聚落用地呈“飞地状”拓展,用地功能多元化、形态规则化,农业村聚落延续以居住为主的用地模式和传统形态。制度变迁引导了乡村功能分异,加速了聚落用地类型及功能多样化,可以因地制宜采用“工业城镇、旅游小镇和柔性集中居住”等模式引导聚落用地布局优化。

关 键 词:乡村聚落  聚落用地模式  经济发达地区  无锡惠山  

Spatio-temporal change of landuse pattern of rural settlements in developed area: A case study of Huishan distirict in Wuxi city
Cheng CHEN,Zhifeng JIN. Spatio-temporal change of landuse pattern of rural settlements in developed area: A case study of Huishan distirict in Wuxi city[J]. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(11): 2155-2164. DOI: 10.11821/dlyj201511014
Authors:Cheng CHEN  Zhifeng JIN
Affiliation:1. Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China2. Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China3. Jiangsu Institute of Land Surveying and Planning, Nanjing 210024, China
Abstract:As the basic carrier for economic activities in the rural areas, rural settlements have attracts much academic attention all the time in the rural geography. From the perspective of spatial morphology and function, integrating land use data, remote sensing image and rural investigation material, this paper aims to analyze the spatio-temporal variation of morphology and function of rural settlements in Huishan district of Wuxi city based on spatial analysis methods such as ANN index, kernel density and growth intensity index. Later, the evolutionary mechanism and optimizing patterns are discussed. The empirical analysis indicates that after 1980 the total area of rural residential land increased by 95%, and the rural residential land growth index changed in an opposite "U" shape, first increased quickly, later decreased slowly, but spatial agglomeration was kept completely. Industrial and commercial land has become the most important element of residential land growth in Huishan district, and has made residential land more diversified and integrated. In the industry and tourism village, the new added residential land expanded in the area outside the old ones, which is featured by diversity and multifunction, and the spatial morphology of settlement become more regular. On the contrary, in the agriculture village, settlements expanded very slowly, residential land kept the dominant position in the settlements, and the morphology of settlement was still irregular. After the year 1980, policy reforms promoted the village multifunction and made village's function different from each other. Respectively, in corresponding to three economic and land development types (industrial town mode, tourism town mode and flexible agglomeration mode) could be applied to optimize the spatial morphology of settlements in the rural areas.
Keywords:rural settlements  residential land use pattern  developed area  Huishan district in Wuxi city  
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