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引用本文:景山,王成善,柳永清,陈曦. 辽西建昌盆地早白垩世义县组沉积环境分析及盆地演化初探[J]. 沉积学报, 2009, 27(4): 583-591
作者姓名:景山  王成善  柳永清  陈曦
摘    要:建昌盆地是冀北—辽西地区早白垩世地层发育齐全、出露良好的代表性盆地之一,并且发现了大量保存完好的热河生物群化石。早白垩世地层包括义县组、九佛堂组和沙海组。其中义县组上部和下部为火山岩,中间发育沉积岩,岩性主要为灰紫色、灰黄色砾岩、含砾粗砂岩、砂岩和灰绿色泥岩,沉积环境由冲积扇、辫状河与湖泊环境组成,以冲积扇和辫状河环境为主。古水流方向表明物源区早期位于盆地北西和南东侧,晚期位于盆地北东侧。义县组早期发育垂直盆地走向的冲积扇沉积,晚期发育沿盆地走向的辫状河沉积,表明义县早期盆地构造活动强烈,晚期趋于稳定。

关 键 词:建昌盆地  早白垩世  义县组  沉积环境  盆地演化

Depositional Environment and Basin Evolution of the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation in Jianchang Basin, Western Liaoning
JING Shan,WANG Cheng-shan,LIU Yong-qing,CHEN Xi. Depositional Environment and Basin Evolution of the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation in Jianchang Basin, Western Liaoning[J]. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 2009, 27(4): 583-591
Authors:JING Shan  WANG Cheng-shan  LIU Yong-qing  CHEN Xi
Affiliation:Eastern China Geological & Mining Organization for Non ferrous Metals, Nanjing 210007
Abstract:Jianchang basin is one of the typical basins in Western Liaoning and Northern Hebei region, which contains well developed early Cretaceous and produced numerous fossils of Jehol biota. The early Cretaceous includes Yixan Fromation, Jiufotang Fromation and Shahai Formation. The lower and upper parts of Yixan Formaion are volcanic rocks, the middle part is sedimentary rock, which is composed of pale purple, pale yellow conglomerate, pebbled sandstone, sandstone and pale green mudstone. The depositional environment of Yixan Fromation comprises alluvial fan, braided river and lake. The paleocurrent data shows that provenace areas located in NW and SE to the basin during early stage and in NE during late stage. Alluvial fans perpendicular to the strike of the basin indicate a strong tectonism during early stage of Yixan Formation, whereas braided rivers along the strike indicate a relative stable geological setting during late stage.
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