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引用本文:刘正宏 徐仲元 杨振升. 内蒙古大青山印支运动厘定[J]. 地质论评, 2003, 49(5): 457-463
作者姓名:刘正宏 徐仲元 杨振升
摘    要:根据中下侏罗统五当沟组与下伏地层之间角度不整合接触关系,结合同位素年代与岩浆活动特征和各种构造要素之间叠加改造关系,证实了大青山地区存在强烈印支运动。构造样式和构造要素组合特点表明大青山印支运动是一次强烈逆冲推覆、褶皱造山运动,形成了东西向展布的大型逆冲推覆构造和褶皱构造,构成了大青山地区中生代造山带主体构造格架。在地壳构造变形过程中伴随有强烈岩浆活动,形成了一系列的岩株和岩墙。大青山地区印支构造运动的确定对研究阴山—燕山板内造山带形成演化历史和地球动力学机制具有重要意义。

关 键 词:内蒙古 大青山 印支运动 构造变形 角度不整合 逆冲推覆构造 褶皱构造 中生代 造山运动

Indosinian Tectonic Movement in the Daqingshan Region in Inner Mongolia
LIU Zhenghong,XU Zhongyuan,YANG Zhengsheng Jilin University,Changchun,Jilin. Indosinian Tectonic Movement in the Daqingshan Region in Inner Mongolia[J]. Geological Review, 2003, 49(5): 457-463
Authors:LIU Zhenghong  XU Zhongyuan  YANG Zhengsheng Jilin University  Changchun  Jilin
Abstract:Indosinian movement occurred in the Daqinshan region, as is evidenced by the Middle-Lower Jurassic Wudanggou Formation in angular unconformity with the underlying strata, the feature of Mesozoic magmatic activity, isotopic dating, the superposition and modification of different structural elements. The tectonic style and structural elements assemblage show that the Daqingshan movement was a strong folding orogenic movement, which resulted in the huge east-west thrusts and folds that control the main tectonic outline of the Mesozoic intraplate orogenic belt. Magmatic activity was companied with crustal deformation, forming a series of stocks and dykes. The discovery of Indosinian movement is important for studying the formation and evolution of the Yinshan-Yanshan intraplate orogenic belt in Inner Mongolia
Keywords:Daqingshan  Indosinian movement  structure  deformation  unconformity
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