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Constraints on the nuclear emission of the Circinus galaxy: the torus
Authors:M. Ruiz  A. Efstathiou  D.M. Alexander  J. Hough
Affiliation:1Department of Physical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AB;2Astrophysics Group, Imperial College, Blackett Laboratory, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ;3Penn State University, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Davey Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802, USA
In the context of the unified model of Seyfert galaxies, we use observations from the literature and a radiative transfer model to investigate the near-IR to mm emission produced by the presumed torus in the Circinus galaxy, from 2 μm to 1.3 mm. From the infrared SED modelling, we find that the total luminosity ( L IR) in this wavelength range consists of similar contributions from the torus and starburst with a ratio of nuclear luminosity to starburst luminosity ( L NUC/ L SB)∼0.8 .
By using a similar torus model to that of NGC 1068, but without the conical dust , we find an upper limit to the outer torus radius of ∼12 pc with a best fit of ∼2 pc. The upper limit torus size estimated from the radiative transfer modelling is consistent with the 16-pc torus radius estimated from near-IR imaging polarimetry of Circinus.
Keywords:radiative transfer    galaxies: active    galaxies: individual: Circinus    galaxies: nuclei    infrared: galaxies
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