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A simplified approach to backscattering from a rough seafloor withsediment inhomogeneities
Authors:Novarini   J.C. Caruther   J.W.
Affiliation:Planning Syst. Inc., Long Beach, MS;
Abstract:Current models used to predict the backscattering strength of the ocean floor are either very involved, requiring geoacoustic parameters usually unavailable for the site in practical applications, or overly simplistic, relying mainly on empirical terms such as Lambert's law. In any case, solutions are very approximate and the problem is still far from being solved. In this paper, a model is presented that avoids empirical functional forms yet requires only a few physical parameters to describe the surficial sediments, often tabulated for typical sediments. The aim of this paper is to develop a simple algorithm for operational prediction of bottom reverberation with only one free parameter, i.e., the volume scattering coefficient. The algorithm combines a two scale surface scattering model with scattered contributions originating from inhomogeneities within the sediments, talking into consideration the rough interface. No specific mechanism is assumed for scattering at the volume inhomogeneities; however, the inhomogeneities are assumed to be uniform and isotropic. The volume scattering coefficient, combined with the bottom attenuation and density and referenced to the surface, plays a role similar to the Lambert's constant in empirical models. The model is exercised on a variety of published datasets for low and moderately high frequency. In general, the model performs very well for both fast and slow sediments, showing a definite improvement over Lambert's law
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