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Tropical weathering control of Ni, Cu, Co, and platinum group element distributions at the O'Toole Ni-Cu sulphide deposit, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Authors:Paul M.Taufen  Celina M.L. Marchetto
Abstract:The O'Toole nickel sulphide deposit is located in the Southern Plateau morphological and structural province of Minas Gerais, which has a humid tropical climate characterized by a mean temperature of 19°C and rainfall of 1600 mm. The primary ore reserve is 5.44 million tonnes at 2.72% Ni, 0.45% Cu, 0.06% Co, and 1.3 ppm combined platinum-group elements. Tropical weathering of the vertically dipping orebody has created gossans at the surface, an oxidized zone to a depth of about 20 m, and a zone of transition above fresh ore to a depth of up to 70 m. The weathering profile is similar mineralogically to the profiles at the Kambalda, Mt. Windarra, and Agnew Ni sulphide deposits in Western Australia, but differs in the depth extents of its mineralogically distinctive zones. These zones exhibit geochemically distinctive enrichments and depletions of various elements in this environment based on mass balance calculations and on the relative immobility of iridium. The work presented characterizes the geochemical behavior of Ni, Cu, Co, and platinum-group elements in the weathering of the O'Toole deposit.
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