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引用本文:杨晓燕,夏正楷. 中国环境考古学研究综述[J]. 地球科学进展, 2001, 16(6): 761-768. DOI: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2001.06.0761
作者姓名:杨晓燕  夏正楷
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目“中国北方历史时期人地关系演化机制研究”(编号 :498310 80 ),教育部博士点基金项目“中国北方中全新世环境与人类活动”(编号 :990 0 0 14 9)
摘    要:近十几年来,环境考古学在中国取得了令人瞩目的发展。回顾十几年来的研究实践可以发现,我国旧石器时代的环境考古工作,主要集中于古代人类生存环境的重建,在研究方法上经历了传统分析阶段和多元分析阶段,现在试图进入综合研究阶段。而新石器和铜石并用阶段的环境考古工作,则集中于探讨考古文化的兴衰、更替、中断和转移的环境背景。实践证明,现阶段的环境考古学需要考古学和地学各分支学科之间的紧密结合,需要基础理论上的突破与研究方法上的改进。

关 键 词:中国  考古学  环境考古学

YANG Xiao yan,XIA Zheng kai. SUMMARIZING THE ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN CHINA[J]. Advances in Earth Sciences, 2001, 16(6): 761-768. DOI: 10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2001.06.0761
Authors:YANG Xiao yan  XIA Zheng kai
Affiliation:Department of Urban & Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871,China
Abstract: In 1921, J.G.Anderson studied the stratigraphy and deposition of Yangshao Site in Yangshao village, Henan Province, and concluded that the past man of Yangshao culture occupied on the plain with shallow stream. Maybe it’s the beginning of environmental archaeology in China. In the study of  the Shangzhai Site, Beijing in 1995, the researchers introduced environmental archaeology from overseas into China formally. The environmental archaeology, as an interdisciplinary, made a great progress in the last over ten years. The achievement was summarized and discussed in this paper. Reconstructing paleoenvironment is a key problem in the Paleolithic environmental archaeology. The history of research methods used how to reconstruct the paleoenvironment is divided into  three stages. (1) The traditional analysis stage. The scientists used animal remains, esp. mammalian fossils excavated to conclude the paleoclimate, according to the animals’ habitation. (2) The multi-analysis stage. The scientists applied more methods and technology using in Geosciences to reconstruct the paleoenvrionment, such as analyzing the result of ferrous oxides and grainsize, stable isotope, etc. (3) Synthetical studying is tried to operate now. In the Neolithic and Chalcolithic environmental archaeology, the scientists are success in: (1) Reconstructing the Paleoenvironmental background of a few archaeological cultures rise and fall, transit, interrupt and shift etc.; (2) Finding that in some degrees, there’s the coupling relationship between culture transition and climate transition; (3) Finding that the nature factors is one of the key reasons why some archaeological cultures is interruptive sometimes in some areas; (4) Contributing to some special archaeological field, such as the origin of agriculture.But the content of study on environmental archaeology is not balance in temporal and spatial in China, more scientists pay their attention to the period since late Pleistocene, not earlier, and more research were carried out in Northern China, Taihu lake, Jiaodong Peninsula, and so on, not the Sichuan Basin, Dongtinghu lake, and other regions where the environmental archaeology research just have been started. At present, the environmental archaeology needs the breakthrough in theoretics and methodology and the cooperation between archaeologists and else disciplines’ researchers.
Keywords:China  Environmental archaeology  Archaeology
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