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The conditions of chondrule formation, Part I: Closed system
Authors:Dominik C. Hezel  Herbert Palme
Affiliation:Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicherstraße 49b, 50674 Köln, Germany
Abstract:Mixing was an important process in the early solar nebula and is often used as an argument to explain the compositional scatter among chondrules—mm-sized, once molten silicate spherules in chondritic meteorites. If it is hypothesized that chondrules only acted as closed systems and the scatter in chondrule bulk chemical compositions is only the result of mixing heterogeneous precursor grains—the basic components of chondrules—, it is in turn possible to determine the sizes of the precursor grains using statistical calculations. In order to reproduce the observed compositional scatter in chondrules not more than ∼10 precursor grains should contribute to a single chondrule, each with a diameter of several 100 μm. This finding has important implications for the conditions of chondrule formation and replaces the so far widely accepted model that chondrules formed from fine-grained “dust-balls”. Chondrules rather formed from coarse-grained precursor aggregates with variable amounts of μm-fine matrix material. As a consequence, only chondrite matrix or interstellar material winnows as precursor material. Large grains of variable composition serving as precursor grains must have been formed prior to chondrule formation. Chondrules probably have not been their immediate precursors, as only 1-2 chondrule recycling steps would have homogenized bulk chondrule compositions. Chondrule recycling can therefore only have occurred to a limited extent. Chondrule formation needed at least three steps: (1) production of large and heterogeneous chondrule precursor grains, (2) agglomeration of large precursor grains and fine-grained precursors into aggregates, (3) formation of chondrules during transient heating events. Al-rich chondrules can in this context be explained by the admixture of CAIs to either chondrule precursors or a population of existing chondrules.
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