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引用本文:明锋,曾安敏,景一帆. L1范数与IQR统计量组合的GNSS坐标序列粗差探测算法[J]. 测绘科学技术学报, 2016, 0(2): 127-132. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6338.2016.02.004
作者姓名:明锋  曾安敏  景一帆
作者单位:1. 信息工程大学,河南 郑州 450001; 地理信息工程国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710054;2. 地理信息工程国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710054; 西安测绘研究所,陕西 西安 710054;3. 信息工程大学,河南 郑州,450001
基金项目:国家863计划项目(2013AA122501-1);国家自然科学基金项目(41374019;41020144004;41474015;41274045;41574010);地理信息工程国家重点实验室开放研究基金项目( SKLGIE2015-Z-1-1)。
摘    要:GNSS坐标时间序列中不可避免地含有粗差,未剔除的粗差将会导致参数估计有偏。因此,粗差探测与剔除是GNSS坐标序列分析中一项重要的数据预处理工作。针对GNSS坐标时间序列特点,提出了一种将L1范数(L1-norm)估计与四分位距统计量IQR(interquartile range)组合的移动开窗粗差探测算法,称之为L1_Mod IQR。该方法的主要思想是,首先利用L1范数估计得到较"真实"的残差,然后再对残差采用IQR统计量进行粗差探测。将L1_Mod IQR法与"3σ"法、基于最小二乘的τ检验法等粗差探测算法进行了模拟计算与对比,验证了该算法的有效性。进一步采用L1_Mod IQR算法对中国区域10个IGS站的高程时间序列进行了分析,结果表明中国区域IGS站高程序列的粗差剔除率最小为0.1%,最大为2.6%。并且以WUHN站为例与SOPAC提供的结果进行了对比,结果表明SOPAC提供的"Clean"数据仍含有大量的粗差,而L1_Mod IQR算法能够有效地剔除粗差。

关 键 词:全球卫星导航系统  坐标时间序列  粗差探测  L1范数  四分位距统计量  开窗检验

A New Method of Outlier Detection for GNSS Position Time Series Based on the Combination of L1-Norm and IQR Statistic
MING Feng,ZENG Anmin,JING Yifan. A New Method of Outlier Detection for GNSS Position Time Series Based on the Combination of L1-Norm and IQR Statistic[J]. Journal of Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping, 2016, 0(2): 127-132. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6338.2016.02.004
Authors:MING Feng  ZENG Anmin  JING Yifan
Abstract:The outliers ubiquitously exist in the GNSS position time series and the undetected outliers will lead bi-ased parameters estimation. Therefore outliers have to be detected and eliminated in the GNSS data preprocessing. According to the characteristic of GNSS position time series a modified method which combines L1-norm estima-tion and interquartile range IQR statistic with moving window to detect outliers is presented. This method named L1 ModIQR consists two procedures which use L1-norm estimation to get more real residuals firstly and then the IQR statistic is used to detect outliers in the residuals with moving window. The simulated example is performed to validated the reliability of this method by comparing it with 3σ method andτtest based on least square. In the real data analysis the outliers in height time series of 10 IGS station located in China have been identified and re-moved using this method. The results show that the minimum removal ratio is 0.1% and the maximum removal ra-tio is 2.6%. Finally the WUHN station is used as an example to illustrate the efficiency of L1 ModIQR method through comparing it with that of SOPAC scrips orbit and permanent array center .
Keywords:GNSS  coordinate time series  outlier detection  L1-norm  interquartile range statistic  windowing test
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