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引用本文:潘盛泽,丁坚平,杨建华,罗海洲,曾鹏飞. 基于模拟人工降雨的磷石膏堆体变形监测[J]. 中国地质灾害与防治学报, 2011, 22(2): 82-86
作者姓名:潘盛泽  丁坚平  杨建华  罗海洲  曾鹏飞
摘    要:磷石膏属于级配不良土且含有可溶性磷(P)、氟(F),在天然降雨的情况下其变形破坏的可能性很大。如其发生液化将充满整个渣库,这将使渣库内磷、氟含量升高而污染地表水体。在矿山的防渗等问题还未解决的情况下,受污染的地表水侵入到地下含水层中又会导致地下水的污染。所以研究磷石膏堆体在天然降雨下变形破坏模式十分必要。本试验是以1:10的比例模拟20m高的磷石膏堆体在天然降雨条件下可能发生的变形破坏模式,进而对渣库堆填磷石膏施工提出建议。

关 键 词:磷石膏  人工降雨  模拟试验  现场监测

Monitoring a slope composed of abandoned of phosphogypsum debris following a simulation of artificial rainfall
PAN Sheng-ze,DING Jian-ping,YANG Jian-hua,LUO Hai-zhou,ZENG Peng-fei. Monitoring a slope composed of abandoned of phosphogypsum debris following a simulation of artificial rainfall[J]. The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control, 2011, 22(2): 82-86
Authors:PAN Sheng-ze  DING Jian-ping  YANG Jian-hua  LUO Hai-zhou  ZENG Peng-fei
Affiliation:PAN Sheng-ze,DING Jian-ping,YANG Jian-hua,LUO Hai-zhou,ZENG Peng-fei(Department of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550003,China)
Abstract:Phosphogypsum is poorly graded soil and contains soluble P, F, with the natural rainfall effects, it easy to be deformation and failure. If phosphogypsum accumulations be liquefaction, phosphogypsum will be full of the entire slag dump and pollute the surface water with a rise of phosphor, fluorine content. Groundwater will be polluted when the polluted surface water get into the aquifer, in the unsettled problem of seepage treatment, etc of mine. It is very necessary to research the deformation and failure mode of phosphogypsum accumulations in the natural rainfall. The experiment simulates the deformation and failure mode of 20m high phosphogypsum accumulations with the ratio of 1 : 10 in the natural rainfall. Thereby we can table a proposal for slag dump landfill construction of phosphogypsum.
Keywords:phosphogypsum  artificial rainfall  simulation test  field monitoring
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