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Groundwater travel times for unconfined island aquifers bounded by freshwater or seawater
Authors:R. Chesnaux  D. M. Allen
Affiliation:(1) Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada , V5A 1S6
Abstract:Analytical solutions for calculating groundwater travel times within unconfined island aquifers are given for cases of both a freshwater-bounded island (island located in a fresh water lake) and an oceanic island (freshwater contained above intrusive saltwater). The solutions apply for homogenous aquifers recharged by surface infiltration and discharged by a down-gradient, fixed-head boundary, under steady-state conditions. The solutions are given for two simple island geometries: circular islands and strip islands. A technique is also provided for comparing travel times in inland islands and oceanic islands. Travel times in oceanic islands are found to be shorter than travel times in inland islands, and travel times in circular islands are found to be longer than travel times in strip islands.
Keywords:Analytical solutions  Groundwater flow  Unconfined aquifer  Islands  Salt-water/fresh-water relations
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