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A System for Fast Cartographic Sounding Selection
Authors:Haigang Sui  Xinyan Zhu  Anming Zhang
Affiliation:Lab for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University , Wuhan, Hubei, China
Abstract:Soundings on nautical charts provide information about the shape of the ocean bottom between chart depth curves. A single chart may have thousands of soundings posted on it. This article describes a system for automatic cartographic sounding selection. In this system, a new algorithm for automated selecting soundings is developed. The algorithm is employed in such a way that it can guarantee (a) fast and accurate selecting sounding, (b) processing the circular depth curves, (c) solving the overplotting problems between depth curves and soundings, and (d) keeping selected soundings “prettier.” The system was intensively tested using real data sets, and its superiority has been revealed by the testing results.
Keywords:Sounding  automatic sounding selection  depth curves  influence circle  TIN
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