(1) Kosygin Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia
Based on the study of the deep Amur Plate border structure, seismogravimetric (density) and geoelectric sections of the plate lithosphere crossing geologically and seismically defined plate boundaries are compiled to construct a three-dimensional model of its lithosphere. The model demonstrates the almost ring structure of the plate with its inner part dipping for 50 km and uplifted fringing. The plate boundary zone consists of orogenic belts (Mongol-Okhotsk, Selenga-Stanovoi, Transbaikal, and Sikhote-Alin) and margins of the Siberian and North China platforms. The plate boundaries are described by mantle diapirism models with a largely bilateral inclined dip of its bordering belts.