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Study on liquefaction of saturated loess by in-situ explosion test
Authors:Lanmin Wang  Kaiming He  Yucheng Shi  Jun Wang
Affiliation:Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Seismological Bureau, Lanzhou 730000, China;Department of Underground Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200000, China;Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Seismological Bureau, Lanzhou 730000, China;Department of Underground Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200000, China;Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Seismological Bureau, Lanzhou 730000, China;Department of Underground Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200000, China;Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Seismological Bureau, Lanzhou 730000, China;Department of Underground Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200000, China
Abstract:Liquefaction testing at a saturated loess site was performed under the simulated earthquake ground motion induced by artificial explosions with micro-time intervals. The time histories of ground acceleration, pore water pressure and the ultimate value of residual strain were recorded and measured. The modified FEQdrain computation software was used to analyze the liquefaction. Both the test and the analysis confirm the objective occurrence of loess liquefaction. Furthermore, the reliability of the method of the loess liquefaction analysis based on FEQdrain and the model of pore water pressure development of saturated loess are examined. Supported by: China Ministry of Science and Technology (Granted No.2000-35), Registration No.for Publications of Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, CSB:LC2002-001.
Keywords:loess  liquefaction  pore pressure  explosion test
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