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引用本文:周永章,何俊国,杨志军,付伟,杨小强,张澄博,杨海生. 华南热水沉积硅质岩建造及其成矿效应[J]. 地学前缘, 2004, 11(2): 373-377
作者姓名:周永章  何俊国  杨志军  付伟  杨小强  张澄博  杨海生
作者单位:中山大学地球科学系 广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球环境与地球资源研究中心,广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球科学系 广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球环境与地球资源研究中心,广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球科学系 广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球环境与地球资源研究中心,广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球科学系 广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球环境与地球资源研究中心,广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球科学系 广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球环境与地球资源研究中心,广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球科学系 广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球环境与地球资源研究中心,广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球科学系 广东,广州,510275;中山大学地球环境与地球资源研究中心,广东,广州,510275
基金项目:国家科学技术部 973项目 ( 2 0 0 2CB412 60 0 ),国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 4 0 0 73 0 10 ),全国高校博士点基金资助项目( 2 0 0 0 0 99815 ),教育部优秀青年教师资助计划 (教人司 2 0 0 1 3 9)
摘    要:华南地区热水沉积建造发育。文中介绍该地区热水沉积建造 ,特别是震旦系顶部、泥盆系榴江组和二叠系当冲组 3个重要层位的硅质岩建造 ,分析它们的地质地球化学特征。研究表明 ,华南三层位沉积硅质岩的共同特征是TiO2 、Al2 O3 和K2 O含量一致偏低 ,大部分微量元素含量偏低 (与地壳克拉克值相比 ) ,但Ba、As、Sb富集 ,具有较为典型的热水沉积成因特点。多元统计分析显示 ,大部分微量元素在第一个主因子上均有显著因子载荷 ,与它们在基底的富集或亏损无关 ,代表了古地热系热水循环中的淋滤因子。华南三层位热水成因硅质岩具有相似的REE地球化学特征。REE总量低 ,稀土配分模式落在典型热水沉积物的上、下限之间 ,多数样品呈现δCe和δEu负异常。正常沉积的混入使部分硅质岩的REE配分模式复杂化。最后 ,讨论了与热水沉积建造相关的成矿效应 ,为金属矿床成因和评价提供约束条件

关 键 词:硅质岩  热水沉积  稀土元素  成矿效应  华南地区

ZHOU Yong-zhang,HE Jun-guo,YANG Zhi-jun,FU Wei,YANG Xiao-qiang,ZHANG Cheng-bo,YANG Hai-sheng. HYDROTHERMALLY SEDIMENTARY FORMATIONS AND RELATED MINERALIZATION IN SOUTH CHINA[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2004, 11(2): 373-377
Authors:ZHOU Yong-zhang  HE Jun-guo  YANG Zhi-jun  FU Wei  YANG Xiao-qiang  ZHANG Cheng-bo  YANG Hai-sheng
Abstract:There exist several hydrothermally sedimentary formation in South China. This paper introduces hydrothermally sedimentary formation, especially the chert formations from the Top Precambrian, the Upper Devonian and the Permian strata in the area, and discusses their geological and geochemical characteristics. It is shown that the cherts are characterized by low content of TiO_2, Al_2O_3 and K_2O, and depletion of most trace elements relative to their crust abundance, but rich in Ba, As and Sb, indicating they are quite typical of hydrothermal origin. The presence of many trace elements in the first important factor with a high variance proportion represents the leaching factor of an evolving geothermal system. During circulation, the hydrothermal solution constantly leached and extracted all metal elements possible from the various country rocks that it passed through. The cherts from the studied three stratigraphic units are similar in geochemical characteristics of REE. They are generally characterized by low total REE, negative δCe and δEu, and the average REE abundance distribution pattern ranges between the upper and the lower limits of typical hydrothermal deposits. The ambiguous Ce anomaly, the complexity in REE patterns and higher REE abundance of some samples are due to an admixture of normal sediments to the hydrothermal chert. Finally, mineralization related to hydrothermally sedimentary formation is introduced, which provides constraints to the origin and the evaluation of metallic deposits.
Keywords:hydrothermal sediment  chert formation  rare earth element  mineralization  South China
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