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引用本文:曹云刚,刘闯. 从AVHRR到MODIS的雪盖制图研究进展[J]. 地理与地理信息科学, 2005, 21(5): 15-19
作者姓名:曹云刚  刘闯
作者单位:1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所全球变化信息研究中心,北京,100101;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100039
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所全球变化信息研究中心,北京,100101
摘    要:雪盖面积是水文、气候模型中重要的输入参数之一。使用遥感方法能够有效获取大范围的雪盖信息,弥补地面观测资料在空间上的不足。阐述积雪遥感基本原理以及积雪遥感监测的研究进展,介绍现阶段应用较广的基于AVHRR和MODIS数据的雪盖制图算法,并通过对制图算法的比较和分析得出,MODIS雪盖制图算法的精度和效率都比AVHRR算法高。最后讨论现阶段雪盖制图算法误差的主要来源:大气状况、地表覆盖、积雪物理特性的复杂性以及使用相同的检测阈值等,并提出解决方法。

关 键 词:遥感  雪盖面积  雪盖制图

The Development of Snow-Cover Mapping from AVHRR to MODIS
CAO Yun-gang,LIU Chuang. The Development of Snow-Cover Mapping from AVHRR to MODIS[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2005, 21(5): 15-19
Authors:CAO Yun-gang  LIU Chuang
Abstract:Snow- cover area is one of the most important parameters for hydrologic and dimatologic models. Contrasted to the lack of data in field,we can obtain enough snow-cover information in large-scale by remote sensing. In the past four decades,many studies have been done to improve the snow-cover mapping algorithms in the world. Firstly, this paper shows the fundamental of these algorithrns and reviews the researches of remote sensing in snow - cover mapping. Then a comparison is made between AVHRR and MODIS algorithms. Lastly,the complexity of snow cover mapping by remote sensing is discussed, including the differences of atmospheric conditions, land cover types,snow characters, etc.
Keywords:remote sensing   snow- cover area   snow- cover mapping
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