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引用本文:蓝志威,吴旗韬,周智勇. 深圳―中山跨珠江通道对珠江三角洲地区可达性的空间效应[J]. 热带地理, 2016, 36(6): 1019-1025. DOI: 10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002905
作者姓名:蓝志威  吴旗韬  周智勇
作者单位:(1.a.广东省交通运输厅;b.广东省交通运输规划研究中心,广州 510101;2.广东省科学院 广州地理研究所,广州 510070)
摘    要:借助可达性分析模型,以深圳―中山跨珠江通道(简称“深中通道”)为案例,采用加权平均旅行时间、覆盖度指数、经济潜能指数分析深中通道建设后对珠江两岸地区可达性的影响和空间分布,并采用可达性变化均衡指数分析深中通道建设对区域可达性公平性变化的影响。结果表明:深中通道建设将显著提升珠三角区域南部的可达性,珠江口西岸地区的可达性提升高于东岸地区。中山市、珠海市 1 h 等时圈内的人口增加最大。珠江口东岸的深圳市、香港特别行政区和西岸的中山市和江门市的经济潜能得到较大的增长。中山市、东莞市和佛山市内部可达性呈现均衡化趋势,可达性公平性得到提升。最后,提出了完善深中通道周边交通运输网络布局和推进珠江口两岸产城互动融合等有针对性的政策建议。

关 键 词:深中通道  可达性  珠三角  经济潜能  公平性  

Spatial Effects of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge on Regional Accessibility in the Pearl River Delta
LAN Zhiwei,WU Qitao,ZHOU Zhiyong. Spatial Effects of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge on Regional Accessibility in the Pearl River Delta[J]. Tropical Geography, 2016, 36(6): 1019-1025. DOI: 10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002905
Authors:LAN Zhiwei  WU Qitao  ZHOU Zhiyong
Affiliation:LAN Zhiwei,WU Qitao,ZHOU Zhiyong
Abstract:Trans-strait bridges have significant time-space compression effect and can greatly enhance the transport and economic connection of urban agglomerations. This research used the accessibility analysis model and four indices, including weighted average travel time, daily accessibility, potential accessibility and coefficient of variance, to assess the comprehensive impacts of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge (SZB) on the Pearl River Delta regional accessibility and regional equity. The results showed that: the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge greatly improved the regional accessibility, and the south region benefited more than the north part, including the Zhuhai City, Jiangmen City and Zhongshan City, while the north of the Humen Bridge was less impacted. The west region was not as significantly improved as the east region due to the high population and economic density in the east region. Zhongshan City and Zhuhai City had the largest population increase in their 1-hour isochronous rings. Shenzhen City and Hong Kong in the east part and Zhongshan City and Jiangmen City in the west part of the Pearl River Delta became the biggest winners in terms of potential accessibility. Zhongshan City, Dongguan City and Foshan City had decreased accessibility coefficients of variance, and accessibility and spatial equity were improved. Eight cities and regions, including Zhuhai City, Jiangmen City, Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen City, Guangzhou City, Zhaoqing City and Huizhou City had increased accessibility coefficients of variance and the accessibility and spatial equity reduced. Finally, the paper gave three decision-making suggestions to optimize the function of the Bridge.
Keywords:Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge  accessibility  the Pearl River Delta  potential accessibility  equity  
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