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The Mari Rosa late Hercynian Sb-Au deposit, western Spain
Authors:L. Ortega  R. Oyarúun  M. Gallego
Affiliation:(1) Departamento de Cristalografia y Mineralogía, Facultad de C.C. Geológicas, Universidad Complutense, E-28040 Madrid, Spain;(2) Departament of Earth Sciences, The University of Leeds, LS2 9JT Leeds, UK;(3) Av. Ajalvir 8, E-28806 Madrid, Spain
Abstract:The central Iberian zone of the Hesperian Massif hosts a series of late Hercynian vein-type Sb deposits. One of them is the Mari Rosa mineralization, hosted by metagreywackes and slates of the Schist-Greywacke Complex (Upper Precambrian). The mineralization is characterized by a complex paragenesis comprising three hydrothermal stages: stage H1 rarr arsenopyrite-(pyrite); stage H2 rarr stibnite-gold; and stage H3 rarr pyrite-pyrrhotite-galena-sphalerite-chalcopyrite-tetrahedrite-boul-angerite-stibnite. Of these only the second episode was of importance and gave rise to the main mineralized bodies of the deposit. Hydrothermal alteration consists of a mild sericitization, chloritization and carbonatization of the metasedimentary rocks around the veins. Chemical changes in the hydrothermal halos include a remarkable increase in the ratio K2O/Na2O, and a decrease in the ratio SiO2/volatiles, together with a sharp increase in Sb, Mo, Au and N. Fluids associated with ore deposition lie in the H2O-NaCl-CO2-CH4-N2 compositional system. These fluids evolved, progressively cooling, from initial circulaion temperatures close to 400 °C in the early stage (H1) to temperatures of approximately 150 °C in the late one (H3). Fluid composition evolution was characterized by a progressive increase in the bulk water content of the fluids and with an increase in the relative proportion of N2 with respect to CH4 and CO2 in the volatile fraction. Massive stibnite deposition resulted from a boiling process developed at 300 °C and 0.9–1 Kb at a depth of 4–5 km. Geological, geochemical and fluid inclusion evidence suggest that the intrusion of the Alburquerque batholith (late Hercynian S-type granitoids) triggered hydrothermal activity leading to the transport and deposition of Sb and Au in Mari Rosa.
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