Affiliation: | 1. Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA;2. Remote Sensing Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, USA;3. Computational Physics, Inc., Springfield, VA, USA;4. Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Kühlungsborn, Germany;5. GATS, Inc., Driggs, ID, USA;1. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA;2. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA;3. University of Rostock, Kuehlungsborn, Germany;4. University of Rostock, Kuehlungsborn, Germany;5. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA;1. Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA;2. Computational Physics Inc., Boulder, CO 80301, USA;3. Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80303, USA;1. Institute of Physics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 6, 17489 Greifswald, Germany;2. GATS Inc., Driggs, ID83422, USA;3. Formerly Institute of Physics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Germany;1. Institute of Environmental Systems Research, School of Mathematics/Computer Science, Osnabrück University, Barbarastr. 12, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany;2. Institute of Physics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald, Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 6, 17489 Greifswald, Germany;3. Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Ringlaan-3-Avenue Circulaire, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium;1. Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA;2. Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Leopoldshafen, Germany;3. School of Physics, Astronomy and Computational Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA;4. Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA;5. Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Hampton University, Hampton, VA, USA;6. Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden;1. Center for Space Science and Engineering Research, Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA;2. Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan;3. Atmospheric and Planetary Science, Hampton University, Hampton, VA, USA;4. National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa, Japan;1. Key Laboratory of Planetary Sciences, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200030, PR China;2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, PR China;3. Department of Geomatics Engineering, Bulent Ecevit University, Zonguldak 67100, Turkey |