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Radiometric dating of recent sediments: beyond the boundary conditions
Authors:José-María Abril  Foued Gharbi
Affiliation:1. Dpto. F??sica Aplicada I, Universidad de Sevilla, ETSIA, Ctra Utrera Km 1 m, 41013, Seville, Spain
2. National Center of Nuclear Sciences and Technology, Sidi Thabet, P.C., 2020, Tunis, Tunisia
Abstract:Most mathematical models for radiometric dating of recent sediments are particular solutions of a unique physical problem: the advective?Cdiffusive transport of a particle-bound radiotracer within a sediment profile that undergoes accretion. Regardless of the particular assumptions about fluxes, sedimentation rates and the diffusion term, all models assume ideal deposition as a boundary condition at the sediment water interface, i.e. new radioactive input will be deposited above the previously existing material. In sediments with very high porosities, this assumption may be unrealistic, because a fraction of the incoming flux may penetrate rapidly through the connected pore spaces. This process will be referred to as non-ideal deposition. This paper reviews evidence from literature data, discusses the basic processes involved, and establishes the mathematical basis to incorporate non-ideal deposition into one-phase radiometric dating models, as depth-distributed local sources. Through analytical and numerical solutions, this work demonstrates that such penetration patterns can explain excess 210Pb subsurface maxima, often observed in sediment cores, as well as penetration of 137Cs to depths greater than expected from sedimentation rates and diffusion. These ideas are illustrated using examples from the literature in which sediment porosities were >90?%. Implications for radiometric dating include: (1) spurious accelerations in sedimentation rate inferred when applying the constant rate of supply model, and (2) erroneous chronologies, developed when using the maximum depth at which 137Cs can be measured as a chronostratigraphic marker.
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