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European Observation Network: Ground - Based Support for Gamma-Ray Satellites
Authors:René Hudec  Pavel Spurný  Jan Florián  Jaroslav Boček  Miloš Tichý  Jana Tichá  Libor Vyskočil  Wolfgang Wenzel  Scott Barthelmy  Thomas Cline  Niels Gehrels  Gerald Fishman  Chryssa Kouveliotou  Charles Meegan  Asen Mutafov
Affiliation:(1) Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ-251 65 Ond"rcaron"ejov, Czech Republic;(2) Klet Observatory, Zátkovo náb"rcaron"e"zcaron"í 4, CZ-370 01 "Ccaron"eské Bud"ecaron"jovice, Czech Republic;(3) Úpice Observatory, CZ-542 32 Úpice, Czech Republic;(4) Sternwarte Sonneberg, D-96515 Sonneberg, Germany;(5) NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, U.S.A.;(6) NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, 35812, U.S.A.;(7) Astronomical Observatory, P.O.B. 36, BG-1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
Abstract:We present first preliminary results obtained with the European Observation Network consisting of 9 observatories in the Czech Republic, Germany and Bulgaria. We also discuss related problems such as the background of unknown variable stars and suggest a strategy for work in this area.
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