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引用本文:胡金明,李杰,袁寒,董云霞. 纳帕海湿地季节性景观格局动态变化及其驱动[J]. 地理研究, 2010, 29(5): 899-908
作者姓名:胡金明  李杰  袁寒  董云霞
摘    要:利用纳帕海湿地区2008年冬季SPOT-5和2009年春季Landsat ETM+影像,进行景观解译,结合地面植被和水文情势调查,剖析了纳帕海湿地区的景观格局年内季节动态变化,及其与区域季节性气候和人为扰动的关联。研究发现:研究时段内纳帕海湿地区主要湿地景观都大幅萎缩,湿地类景观之间、湿地类景观与非湿地类景观之间发生显著转换;破坏地景观呈斑块状散布,占纳帕海湿地区总面积15.74%;各类景观向破坏地景观的转换,主要源于季节性气候背景下周边村落家畜放养的破坏;春夏时极端干旱气候和区域人为活动扰动,是纳帕海湿地退化的直接驱动;协调湿地保护与周边农牧民家畜放养、应对极端季节性气候下的流域水资源开发和管理,是纳帕海湿地有效管理的关键。对类似于纳帕海具有显著季节性变化的湿地景观研究,将局地-季节和区域-年际两个尺度相结合,将更深入地阐明其格局-过程-驱动间的关联。

关 键 词:纳帕海湿地  景观格局  季节动态变化  驱动因素

easonal landscape pattern change and its driving forces of the Napahai Wetland
HU Jin-ming,LI Jie,DONG Yun-xia,YUAN Han. easonal landscape pattern change and its driving forces of the Napahai Wetland[J]. Geographical Research, 2010, 29(5): 899-908
Authors:HU Jin-ming  LI Jie  DONG Yun-xia  YUAN Han
Affiliation:Asian International Rivers Center, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China
Abstract:Seasonal hydro-ecological and landscape change are one of the important characteristics of wetlands within monsoonal climate area. This study selected two phases of high-resolution RS images, i.e., SPOT-5 image in December of 2008 and Landsat ETM+ image in May of 2009, to reveal the seasonal landscape changes within the Napahai Wetland, northwest Yunnan Province. Visual interpretation of the RS images was based on the software of Erdas and Arc-GIS, corrected with the information of regional plant investigation and hydrological survey. Hierarchy of the landscape classification for the Napahai Wetland area included system and subsystem. There are 8 landscape types at system level and 13 landscape subtypes at subsystem level. From December of 2008 to May of 2009, there happened dramatic conversion among different landscape types (subtypes) in the Napahai Wetland area, indicating a significantly seasonal shrinkage of all subtypes of wetlands except the stream. Large area of most wetland subtypes was converted into mesophytic meadow subtype, driven by the significant decrease of seasonal precipitation from December of 2008 to May 2009. Meanwhile, under the influence of regional livestock (especially the crossbred pig) grazing, about 15.74% of the Napahai Wetland area was transformed into destroyed land and the patches of the destroyed land extensively dispersed within the whole Napahai Wetland area. Local livestock grazing had the most direct threat to the Napahai Wetland. For the Napahai Wetland, climate condition in spring and early summer, combined with the local livestock grazing and other human disturbances, has the determinant influences upon the hydro-ecological process and the landscape changes of the wetland. This case study showed coordination between wetland conservation and local livestock, and suitable regional water resource management to mitigate the negative impacts from extremely seasonal climate, will be the key to Napahai Wetland conservation.
Keywords:Napahai Wetland  landscape pattern  seasonal change  driving forces
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