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The selective replacement of the aluminum silicates by white mica
Authors:Teunis A. P. Kwak
Affiliation:(1) Vening Meinesz Laboratorium, State University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
From considerations of relativeG-T surfaces inferred from publishedP-T data and the occurrence of replacement textures of Al2SiO5 polymorphs in rocks, the relative positions of curves representing the following equation in agrK+T — pH ispace on substituting Al2SiO5 different polymorphs are derived.3 Al2SiO5 + 3 SiO2 (quartz) + 2 K+ + 3 H2O rlhar 2 KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2 (muscovite)+ 2 H+. The curves are different because of the differentG-T values for the polymorphs which, in the field, is borne out by the observation that in a rock containing two or three Al2SiO5 polymorphs, in nearly all instances only one polymorph is replaced by white mica. Instances of textural relations showing the interpreted selective replacement of one Al2SiO5 polymorph by a white mica in the presence of one (or two) other Al2SiO5 polymorph(s) are cited both from the literature and various field examples. The selective replacement of kyanite if sillimanite and/or andalusite is/are present, and of andalusite if only sillimanite is present are interpreted to show that generally during the muscovitization reaction, the field of sillimanite in the above reaction (left hand side) at a particular pH (H+ concentration) and
$$f_{{text{H}}_{text{2}} {text{O}}} $$
is larger in agrK+T space than that of andalusite which in turn is larger than that of kyanite. Theoretically it is shown that variations to this can exist but the field evidence suggests these only occur under rare geological conditions. Although this is not totally conclusive, the selectiveness of the replacement is interpreted to show that the fluid was buffered with respect to K+ and H+ on or near the curve of the polymorph showing the lowest stability field until that polymorph is totally consumed, after which the fluid composition moves to the next lowest curve for the remaining polymorph(s) present in the rock. The alteration of more than one polymorph by an apparently simultaneous process of alteration is rare and usually occurs at a low grade of metamorphism. This is interpreted to show that the buffering reaction could not keep pace with the influx of fluid and change the composition of this fluid (in most cases).
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