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Cascaded Evolution of Mantle Plumes and Metallogenesis of Core- and Mantle-derived Elements
Authors:NIU Shuyin  HOU Quanlin  HOU Zengqian  SUN Aiqun  WANG Baode  LI Hongyang  XU Chuanshi Institute of Geology  Geological Survey  Shijiazhuang College of Economics  Shijiazhuang  Hebei
Affiliation:NIU Shuyin,HOU Quanlin,HOU Zengqian,SUN Aiqun,WANG Baode,LI Hongyang and XU Chuanshi Institute of Geology and Geological Survey,Shijiazhuang College of Economics,Shijiazhuang,Hebei,Institute of Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing
Abstract:Mineral deposits are unevenly distributed in the Earth's crust, which is closely related to the formation andevolution of the Earth. In the early history of the Earth, controlled by the gravitational contraction and thermal expansion,lighter elements, such as radioactive, halogen-family, rare and rare earth elements and alkali metals. migrated upwards;whereas heavier elements, such as iron-family and platinum-family elements, base metals and noble metals, had atendency of sinking to the Earth's core, so that the elements iron, nickel, gold and silver are mainly concentrated in theEarth's core. However, during the formation of the stratified structure of the Earth, the existence of temperature, pressureand viscosity differences inside and outside the Earth resulted in vertical material movement manifested mainly bycascaded evolution of mantle plumes in the Earth. The stratifications and vertical movement of the Earth wereinterdependent and constituted the motive force of the mantle-core movement. The cascaded evolution of mantle plumesopens the passageways for the migration of deep-seated ore-forming material, and thus elements such as gold and silverconcentrated in the core and on the core-mantle boundary migrate as the gaseous state together with the hot material flowof mantle plumes against the gravitational force through the passageways to the lithosphere, then migrate as the mixed gas-liquid state to the near-surface level and finally are concentrated in favorable structural expansion zones, forming mineraldeposits. This is possibly the important metallogenic mechanism for gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper and other manyelements. Take for example the NE-plunging crown of the Fuping mantle-branch structure, the paper analyzes ductile-brittle shear zone-type gold fields (Weijiayu) at the core of the magmatic-metamorphic complex, principal detachment-type gold fields (Shangmingyu) and hanging-wall cover fissure-vein-type lead-zinc polymetallic ore fields (Lianbaling)and further briefly analyzes the source of ore-forming material and constructs an ore-forming and -controlling model.
Keywords:mantle plume   mantle-branch structure   antigravitational migration   metallogenesis   Taihang Mountains
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