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Late Hercynian–Mesozoic thinning in the Alboran domain: metamorphic data from the northern Rif, Morocco
Authors:André   Michard,Bruno Goffé  ,Mohamed Bouybaouene,&   Omar Saddiqi
Affiliation:Ecole Normale Supérieure, Laboratoire de Géologie, URA 1316 CNRS, 24 rue Lhomond, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France,;UniversitéMohamed V, Facultédes Sciences, BP 1014, Rabat Agdal, Maroc,;UniversitéHassan II, Facultédes Sciences Aïn Chok, Casablanca, Maroc
Abstract:In the Alboran domain, two crustal-thickening late-orogenic extension cycles are superposed. The importance of the late Alpine thinning of the Alpujarride-Sebtide crustal section on top of the Beni Bousera peridotites is discussed here in metamorphic petrological terms. The Alpine metamorphism operated first under a HP–LT gradient, and reached the eclogite facies in the Permian–Triassic phyllites, before retrogression under a high geothermal gradient. A contrasting, higher temperature metamorphism characterizes the pre-Permian section, reaching the HP-granulite facies at the bottom of the crustal section. By reference to the western European setting, the granulites relate to the Hercynian orogeny, as supported by the isotopic ages of the enclosed, armoured monazite crystals. Thus, thinning of an overthickened crust might have occurred there during the late Hercynian extension and Tethyan opening, before being reactivated during the late Oligocene.
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