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Do hydraulic units define macroinvertebrate assemblages in mountain streams of central Argentina?
Authors:Romina E. Principe   Graciela B. Raffaini   Cristina M. Gualdoni   Ana M. Oberto  Maria C. Corigliano

aDepartamento de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, A.P. No. 3 (X5804 BYA) Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina

Methods to assess the physical habitat provide important tools for many aspects of river management. Hydraulic units (defined as a homogeneous patch of flow type and substrate) were described in mountain streams of Central Argentina and the distribution of macrozoobenthos in these habitat units was analyzed. Four streams from the upper Carcarañá River Basin (Córdoba, Argentina) were sampled in two hydrological periods. Hydraulic units (as substrate and flow type), current velocity, depth, macrophytes and macroalgae were assessed. Three benthic samples were taken in each hydraulic unit. A total of 12 hydraulic units were registered, which varied seasonally in their proportional abundance. The highest values of taxonomic richness, total abundance, diversity and evenness were found in the low-water period. The most heterogeneous hydraulic units (characterized by substrate of diverse grain size) presented the highest richness, diversity and evenness, whereas the highest total abundance was observed in hydraulic units with homogeneous substrate, such as bedrock or gravel sand. Canonical correspondence analysis grouped samples and taxa mainly in relation to the hydraulic units, and temporal variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages was observed. We found that the interaction between hydrological and geomorphological conditions affected benthic assemblages and that their organization is important at a mesoscale. Therefore, hydraulic units may be considered important tools in assessing stream integrity in lotic systems of central Argentina.
Keywords:Macroinvertebrate assemblages   Benthos   Hydraulic units   Habitat   Stream   Diversity and abundance patterns
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