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引用本文:金晓媚,万力,张幼宽,薛忠歧,殷瑛. 银川平原植被生长与地下水关系研究[J]. 地学前缘, 2007, 14(3): 197-203
作者姓名:金晓媚  万力  张幼宽  薛忠歧  殷瑛
作者单位:中国地质大学(北京)水资源与环境学院,北京,100083;Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 52242, USA;宁夏地质工程勘查院,宁夏,银川,750000;云南国土资源职业学院,云南,昆明,650217
摘    要:干旱区植被生长与地下水的关系是生态水文地质学研究的热点之一。西北内陆干旱地区降水稀少,植被的生长发育与地下水的关系极为密切,从大尺度上研究地下水变化的生态效应问题对生态环境的保护和恢复具有重要的意义。借助遥感方法,结合地下水观测数据,在区域尺度上定量地研究了中国银川平原地区地下水埋深及矿化度与植被生长的关系。结果表明:适宜植被生长的地下水埋深范围约为1~6m,当地下水位埋深为3.5m左右时,植被长势最好。而在水位埋深为3.5m左右的地区,植被生长的相对好坏又受地下水矿化度的影响。当地下水矿化度为0.9g/L时对该地区植被的生长最为有利。

关 键 词:遥感  大尺度  植被指数  地下水位埋深  矿化度  银川平原

A study of the relationship between vegetation growth and groundwater in the Yinchuan Plain
Jin Xiaomei,Wan Li,Zhang Youkuan,Xue Zhongqi,Yin Ying. A study of the relationship between vegetation growth and groundwater in the Yinchuan Plain[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2007, 14(3): 197-203
Authors:Jin Xiaomei  Wan Li  Zhang Youkuan  Xue Zhongqi  Yin Ying
Affiliation:1. School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences , Beijing 100083, China ;2. Department of Geoscience , University of Iowa , Iowa City, IA, 52242, USA ;3. Ningxia Institute of Geological Engineering Survey, Yinchuan 750000, China; 4. Yunnan Professional Institute of Land and Soil Resources, Kunming 650217, China
Abstract:The relationship between vegetation growth and groundwater in arid areas is one of the most active research topics in ecohydrology. Due to less precipitation, vegetation growth has a close relationship with groundwater in the northwest arid inland areas of China. Research on the ecological effect of groundwater on a large scale has important significance in eco-environment recovery and protection. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the vegetation growth and the depth to water table in the Yinchuan Plain, located in the northwest arid region of China, by combining remote sensing with groundwater observation data. The results show that the depth to water table suitable for the vegetation growth in this region is between 1 to 6 m, the best vegetation growth occurs when the depth to groundwater is around 3.5 m. The relationship between the vegetation growth and the total dissolved solid (TDS) in groundwater was also studied. The results show that the vegetation growth is also affected by the TDS of the groundwater in this region. The vegetation is well developed when the TDS is 0.9 g/L.
Keywords:remote sensing   large scale   NDVI   groundwater depth   TDS   the Yinchuan Plain
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