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引用本文:李兆焱,孙锐,曹振中,石江华,董林,袁晓铭. 静力触探法对巴楚地震液化判别的适用性[J]. 岩土力学, 2010, 31(12): 3907-3912
作者姓名:李兆焱  孙锐  曹振中  石江华  董林  袁晓铭
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(No. 90715017);公益性地震行业科研专项(No. 200708001);国家科技部国际合作项目(No2009DFA71720)。
摘    要:2003年2月24日新疆巴楚-伽师地区发生的6.8级地震中出现了自1996年唐山大地震以来我国大陆境内最为严重的砂土液化现象。以此地震液化调查为基础,检验包括我国规范液化判别方法、Robertson方法和Olsen方法的国内外现有静力触探试验为指标的液化判别方法的适用性。结果表明,我国规范、Robertson方法、Olsen方法在对巴楚地震液化场地判别中,总体上非液化场地判别成功率高于液化场地判别成功率,非液化场地的判别成功率分别为88%、71%和88%,但对液化场地判别成功率分别为55%、73%和45%,明显偏于危险,原因需要进一步查明,建立适合局部地区的液化判别方法应是未来必须进行的工作。

关 键 词:静力触探  砂土液化  判别  巴楚地震

Feasibility of cone penetration test to evaluating Bachu earthquake liquefaction
LI Zhao-yan,SUN Rui,CAO Zhen-zhong,SHI Jiang-hua,DONG Lin,YUAN Xiao-ming. Feasibility of cone penetration test to evaluating Bachu earthquake liquefaction[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2010, 31(12): 3907-3912
Authors:LI Zhao-yan  SUN Rui  CAO Zhen-zhong  SHI Jiang-hua  DONG Lin  YUAN Xiao-ming
Affiliation:Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration, Harbin 150080, China
Abstract:The large scale of soil liquefaction in Bachu-Jiashi earthquake in Xinjiang Autonomous Region on 24 February, 2003 is the most notable phenomena of sand liquefaction in China mainland since the Tangshan Great Earthquake in 1976. In terms of the investigation in Bachu-Jiashi area, the feasibility of conventional cone penetration test (CPT) to evaluating liquefaction, including Chinese code method, the Robertson method and the Olsen method, is inspected. The results show that the prediction success ratios of Chinese code, the Robertson and the Olsen methods used for the Bachu earthquake liquefaction prediction overall higher in non-liquefied sites than those in liquefied sites. The prediction success ratios are 88%, 71% and 88% for the non-liquefied sites; but 55%, 73% and 45% for the liquefied sites respectively, which are dangerous and reason should be identifed in the future. Also, an appropriate local liquefaction prediction method in Xinjiang region has to be established.
Keywords:cone penetration test  sand liquefaction  evaluation  Bachu earthquake
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