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引用本文:赵晓丽. Hosts文件的作用与应用[J]. 山西气象, 2005, 0(3): 15-17
作者单位:山西省临汾市气象局 山西临汾041000
摘    要:本文通过对临汾市气象部门办公信息网中多个站、多次出现的问题的分析,找出原因所在,并针对性的做了分析并提出了解决的方法。介绍了HOSTS文件的功能,并根据HOSTS文件的功能,对我们工作中出现的问题给予解决和指导,在保障网络畅通、网络安全中都起到重要作用。

关 键 词:HOSTS文件  LOTUS网  IP地址

Function and Application of Hosts Document
Zhao Xiaoli. Function and Application of Hosts Document[J]. Shanxi Meteorological Quarterly, 2005, 0(3): 15-17
Authors:Zhao Xiaoli
Affiliation:Linfen Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province, Linfen Shanxi, 041000
Abstract:This article analyzes the questions appeared in official informati on net for many times in many stations,found the reasons,proposes the resoluti on methods.The paper simply introduce the function of HOSTS document,according to the HOSTS document function,give the solution and the instruction for our work in order to safeguard our network to beunimpeded and safety.
Keywords:HOSTS document  LOTUS net  IP website
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