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引用本文:程彦杰, 卞林根, 陆龙骅. 南极海冰涛动与ENSO的关系. 应用气象学报, 2002, 13(6): 711-717.
作者姓名:程彦杰 卞林根 陆龙骅
作者单位:中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081
摘    要:对近30年南极海冰密集度资料的EOF和SVD分析,发现南极地区在罗斯海外围和别林斯高晋海的海冰密集度场存在着“翘翘板”的变化特征,并与ENSO有密切联系。由此定义两个海冰关键区的差值为南极海冰涛动指数(ASOI),ASOI超前SOI和Nino3指数2个月时,其正、负相关系数达到最大,并通过α=0.001的信度检验。ASOI高、低指数阶段对应的南半球海平面气温、气压场和风场的合成分析表明,海冰关键区的异常变化可能引起温度、气压、风场的响应而影响南太平洋的洋流,进而对ENSO的发生、发展产生影响。

关 键 词:南极   海冰   涛动   ENSO

Antarctic Sea-ice Oscillation and Its Relationship with ENSO
Cheng Yanjie, Bian Lingen, Lu Longhua. Antarctic sea-ice oscillation and itsrelationship with ENSO. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2002, 13(6): 711-717.
Authors:Cheng Yanjie Bian Lingen Lu Longhua
Affiliation:Chinese Academic of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081
Abstract:Antarctic Sea ice oscillation and its relationship with indices of the atmospheric circulation of the Southern Hemisphere are examined by using 30 year Antarctic sea ice concentration and NCEP data from January 1968 to December 1997 based on the EOF and SVD methods. A out phase relationship is found between Ross Sea and Bellingshausen Sea, whose characteristics of the variation is defined as Antarctic Sea ice Oscillation. Its index (ASOI) has a high correlation with SOI and Nino 3 Index when it is two months ahead of them. The high index and low index composite figures reveal the completely reverse patterns of SAT, SLP, and wind circulation in the Southern Ocean for the two extreme states. The sea ice anomalies of the two key regions accompany with the opposite wind circulation which may influence the currents of the Southern Pacific ocean and the development of El Nino/La Nina events. This evidence indicates a possible ENSO signal between Ross sea and Bellingshausen sea.
Keywords:Antarctic Sea ice Oscillation ENSO
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