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Limnology of a small forest lake near Hanau,FR Germany
Authors:W. L. F. Brinkmann Dr.  R. Knickel Dipl.-Biol.  J. W. Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Affiliation:(1) Goethe-Universität, D-6000 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Abstract:Lake Seeloch is a wind-protected, small and shallow forest lake near Hanau, Rhine-Main area, that has neither surface inflow nor outflow. Wet and dry deposition of atmospheric pollutants and groundwater, but primarily the biochemical degradation of organic matter in the lake generates the bulk of dissolved constituents. Forest derived organic materials (pollen; debris; autumn-shed leaves) are the main sources of supply. Except for nitrate-nitrogen, all essential plant nutrients are available in very high, almost excessively high concentrations. Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of elements are established as a continuous recharge/release system at the water/sediment interface and in the lake water column, where processes related to organic matter decay play a dominant role.
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