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Dreiaxiale verformungen an Solnhofener Kalkstein im Temperaturbereich von 20–650° C. Röntgenographische Gefügeuntersuchungen mit dem Texturgoniometer
Authors:Hartmut Kern
Affiliation:(1) Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut der Universität Kiel, Deutschland
Abstract:Axial-symmetric and real triaxial deformation tests on Solnhofen limestones were made in the range of 20 to 650° C. Stress, strain and time observations as functions of temperature and the ratios of the external stresses are plotted as stress-strain and strain-time curves. Mechanical twinning on e (01¯12) and syntectonic recrystallization (at temperatures above 500° C) is assumed to be the dominant flow mechanism. On samples of high permanent strain the textural changes and development of preferred orientations were investigated by means of the X-ray diffractometer. In all tests the symmetry of the polefigures is exactly identical with the symmetry of the external stress-field.In tests with sgr1>sgr2=sgr3 the poles of the planes investigated (10¯11; 10¯12; 11¯20) occupy girdles about the unique principle compressive axis. When all principle stresses are different (sgr1>sgr2>sgr3) the poles of the planes investigated tend to maxima (in the case of plane strain) ore to girdle-occupations about the principle axis of maximum extension. The deduced c-diagrams show a fairly similar tendency of the spacial orientations.The pole figures (as well as the calculated orientation of the c-axis) must be explained by the superposition of reflected intensities on planes in twinned and untwinned grains. In every diagram partial occupations—possibly representing the orientations of twinned grains-are in fairly good agreement with the orientation predicted by the theory of Brace-MacDonald for the stable orientation of anisotropic minerals in a non-hydrostatic stress-field.

Herrn Prof. Dr. F. Karl danke ich sehr herzlich für zahlreiche Diskussionen sowie für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskripts. Mein Dank gilt auch der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, welche die Untersuchung durch eine Sachbeihilfe unterstützte.
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