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Grim4-C1, -C2p: combination solutions of the global earth gravity field
Authors:Ch. Reigber  P. Schwintzer  W. Barth  F. H. Massmann  J. C. Raimondo  A. Bode  H. Li  G. Balmino  R. Biancale  B. Moynot  J. M. Lemoine  J. C. Marty  F. Barlier  Y. Boudon
Affiliation:(1) Geoforschungs Zentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg A17, O-1561 Potsdam, Germany;(2) Dept. I, DGFI, Marstallplatz 8, D-8000 Munich, Germany;(3) CNES/CRGS, 18, Av. E. Belin, 31055 Toulouse Cedex, France;(4) OCA/CERGA/GRGS, Avenue Copernic, 06130 Grasse, France
On the basis of the GRIM4-S1 satellite-only Earth gravity model, being accomplished in a common effort by DGFI and GRGS, a combination solution, called GRIM4-C1, has been derivcd using 1° × 1° mean gravity anomalies and 1° × 1° Seasat altimeter derived mean geoid undulations. In the meantime improvements could be achieved by incorporating more tracking data (GEOSAT, SPOT2-DORIS) into the solution, resulting in the two new parallel versions, the satellite-only gravity model GRIM4-S2 and the combined solution GRIM4-C2p (preliminary). All GRIM4 Earth gravity models cover the spectral gravitational constituents complete up to degree and order 50.In this report the emphasis is on the discussion of the combined gravity models: combination and estimation techniques, capabilities for application in precise satellite orbit computation and accuracies in long wavelength geoid representation. It is shown that with the new generation of global gravity models general purpose satellite-only models are no longer inferior to combination solutions if applied to satellite orbit restitution.
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