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Micromorphological and chemical complexities of a lateritic profile from basalt (Jos Plateau, Central Nigeria)
Authors:Z. Horv  th, B. Varga,A. Mindszenty

Applied Geology, Eötvös L. University, H-1088 Budapest Múzeum krt.4/a, Hungary

Abstract:A ferricrete-capped lateritic profile developed on basaltic saprolite is described.

Within both ferricrete and the immediately underlying soft laterite, two types of sesquioxidic cement are distinguished: the isopachous goethitic intergranular cement which is predominant and is interpreted as an indication of past phreatic conditions; and the Fe-stained meniscus cement which is interpreted as a sign of vadose conditions.

The observed features are suggested to reflect changing drainage conditions related to morphological rejuvenation of the profile, in full accordance with previous hypotheses developed on the basis of geomorphological consideration.

Keywords:Ferricrete   Laterite   Sesquioxidic cement
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