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Dynamic phenomena in the chromospheric layer of a sunspot
Authors:C. E. Alissandrakis  A. A. Georgakilas  D. Dialetis
Affiliation:(1) Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Department of Physics, University of Athens, GR-15783 Athens, Greece;(2) Institute for Space Research, National Observatory of Athens, GR-11810 Athens, Greece
We have studied running penumbral waves, umbral oscillations, umbral flashes and their interrelations from Hagr observations of a large isolated sunspot. Using a subtraction image processing technique we removed the sharp intensity gradient between the umbra and the penumbra and enhanced the low contrast, fine features. We observed running penumbral waves which started in umbral elements with a size of a few arcseconds, covered the umbra and subsequently propagated through the penumbra. The period of the waves was 190 s and the mean propagation velocity was about 15 km s–1. We detected intense brightenings, located between umbral elements from where waves started, which had the characteristics of umbral flashes. There are indications that umbral flashes are related to the propagation of the waves through the umbra and their coupling. The subtraction images also show considerable fine structure in the chromospheric umbra, with size between 0.3Prime and 0.8Prime.
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