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引用本文:袁媛,薛德升,许学强. 转型期广州大都市区户籍贫困人口特征和空间分布[J]. 热带地理, 2006, 26(3): 248-253
作者姓名:袁媛  薛德升  许学强
摘    要:20世纪90年代中后期以来,伴随着经济体制转型和国有企业改革的深化,广州市户籍贫困人口总量增加,贫困阶层种类由单一走向多元,新增种类中的下岗失业无业、在业低收入者成为救助对象主体.救助对象从基本没有收入的个体为主拓展到有少量收入的家庭为主,贫困深度降低.受到历史继承、单位制和工业企业改革、住房市场化和住房制度改革等因素的影响,户籍贫困人口区际空间分布和集聚的相对差异增加,贫困人口在内城外围区集聚程度明显增加,并在大都市区形成绝对改善区、相对缓解区、变化微小区、相对加重区和绝对加深区5种地域类型.对少数贫困

关 键 词:户籍贫困人口  空间分布和演变  形成原因  广州大都市区

The Characteristics and Spatial Distribution of the Registered Urban Poor in Guangzhou Metropolitan Area during the Transitional Period of Economic System Reform in China
YUAN Yuan,XUE De-sheng,XU Xue-qiang. The Characteristics and Spatial Distribution of the Registered Urban Poor in Guangzhou Metropolitan Area during the Transitional Period of Economic System Reform in China[J]. Tropical Geography, 2006, 26(3): 248-253
Authors:YUAN Yuan  XUE De-sheng  XU Xue-qiang
Affiliation:Department of Urban and Regional planning / Center for Urban and Regional Research Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
Abstract:With the accelerated reform of political-economic system and state-owned enterprises since the late 1990s,the sum and type of the registered urban poor have tremendously increased in Guangzhou metropolitan area.The new types of the urban poor include the lay-off workers,the unemployment and the working poor,etc.They have become the main part of the registered urban poor instead of the previous "three no"(no job,no income,no child)people.The poverty gap index reduced because the main body of social assistance changed from individuals without any income to families with a little income.The relative difference of the spatial distrubution of the registered urban poor increased in Guagnzhou metropolitan area,and those urban poor mainly concentrated in the surrounding circle of the inner city.Five different spatial areas are found and defined based on the the change of registered urban poor s location quotient.The main driving forces for the spatial transformation are the historic development,the work-unit system,the reform of state-owned enterprises and the urban housing market.Today,some historic poor or rich areas remain the same social-economic characters.The reform of state owned enterprises and the rise of the unemployment rate resulted in a dramatic increase in urban poverty.There exits a close linkage between the spatial distrubution of registered urban poor and the location of the state-owned enterprises because of the work-unit system and the allocation system of urban houses which resulted in the dramatic concentration of registered urban poor in the inner city surrounding circle.In the process of urban regeneration,some low income pepole were moved out of the inner city while some were still concentrated in cerntain dilapidated areas,that resulted in the unbalanced spatial distrubution in the core circle of the inner city.
Keywords:Registered urban poor  Spatial distribution and evolutio  Driving force  Guangzhou metropolitan area
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