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Recovery of Injected Freshwater from a Brackish Aquifer with a Multiwell System
Authors:Konrad Miotliński  Peter J. Dillon  Paul Pavelic  Karen Barry  Sarah Kremer
Affiliation:1. CSIRO Land and Water, Waite Campus, Urrbrae, SA, Australia.;2. Currently at IWMI, Vientiane, Lao PDR.;3. Currently at SEAF Ingénieurs Conseils, 84 rue du Beuvron 45160 Olivet, France.
Abstract:Herein we propose a multiple injection and recovery well system strategically operated for freshwater storage in a brackish aquifer. With the system we call aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) by using four injection and two production wells, we are capable of achieving both high recovery efficiency of injected freshwater and attenuation of contaminants through adequately long residence times and travel distances within the aquifer. The usual aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) scheme, in which a single well is used for injection and recovery, does not warrant consistent treatment of injected water due to the shorter minimum residence times and travel distances. We tested the design and operation of the system over 3 years in a layered heterogeneous limestone aquifer in Salisbury, South Australia. We demonstrate how a combination of detailed aquifer characterization and solute transport modeling can be used to maintain acceptable salinity of recovered water for its intended use along with natural treatment of recharge water. ASTR can be used to reduce treatment costs and take advantage of aquifers with impaired water quality that might locally not be otherwise beneficially used.
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